Getting Rid of Pimples Fast

Getting Rid of Pimples Fast

Tired of those pimples and can pay anything for getting rid of pimples? Okay, well, it is not an excruciatingly tough ask and is as easy as it can get. Try out these things to deal with acne and pimples.

One of the banes of oily skin and adolescence is but a few torturous red spots on the skin, called as acne. ‘Yeooww’ is normally the reaction of anyone experiencing it! Acne is one of the most common skin problems amongst teenagers, when the male sex hormones increase in an individual, leading to reddish protrusions, mostly on the face and neck. Acne spots is commonly referred to as pimples. However, it is not restricted to youngsters only. Moreover, getting rid of pimples is sort of a tricky job, though there are quite a few tried and tested methods of dealing with it. Okay, then get all set to say good bye to the painful zits!

Getting Rid of Pimples

Cream and Lotions

These are a part of the topical treatment to get rid of acne. Cleansing creams, and lotions containing benzoyl peroxide can prove to be effective in dealing with pimples. An acne scar removal cream needs to be used 2 times a day, directly on the affected area. Soaps or washes having this is also a good option. The amount of benzoyl peroxide should be 2 to 10% and not more than that in acne skin care products. Other antibacterials which can be used are chiorhexidine gluconate and triclosan. You can even try changing your soap, which might just be the culprit for the outbreak of pimples.


These are available in the form of pills or in the form of a cream or lotion which you can apply directly on the pimple. Amongst such antibiotics is erythromycin and one of the tetracycline antibiotics. These will reduce the bacteria but will not affect the oil secretion from the sebaceous glands. Thus, the pimples may return, soon after you stop the treatment. Side effects too have been experienced as a consequence of usage of these medicines. So, even though it is a suggested remedy, it is better to stay away from these antibiotics. Read more on best over the counter acne treatment.

Home Remedies for Pimples

Checking out the previous too options is not a bad choice, but the home remedies and natural acne cures for getting rid of pimples seems to be the best bet.

Lemon Juice

Apply fresh lemon juice to the pimple, before you go to bed. Simply cut a lemon and squeeze the juice on the pimple. But make sure that your face is washed clean before you spread the juice on the pimple or pimples with your finger tips.

Getting Rid of Pimples Fast

Cinnamon and Honey

A paste of cinnamon and honey applied on the area infected will work its magic when kept overnight. Again, wash your face before you apply the paste. Preferably do this before you go to bed so that it stays overnight. It is bound to be sticky, therefore when you wash your face the next morning, make sure you wash it thoroughly.

Egg White

Okay, guys and girls, this is going to be messy, so you need to do all that will avoid the messing up. Just separate the egg white from the yolk prior to applying it on a pimple. Make sure that you cover the whole pimple.


Yes, if you did not know this, toothpaste can be useful in getting rid of pimples fast. Although this is a contentious issue, you may try it out. Use a plain white toothpaste, sans gel. Wash your face clean, apply the toothpaste on the pimple and leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning. Hopefully, the pimple would be gone. Read more on toothpaste on pimples.

Apple vinegar, aloe vera and lavender oil too, help bade a good bye to those nasty pimples. But whatever you do, please do not pop the pimple! If the redness is what is becoming a thorn in your eye, an ice compress can help in getting rid of pimple redness. If you are thinking of getting rid of pimple scars, olive oil, aloe vera (again), honey, rose water and sandalwood and the Asian favorite Multani mitti are great options for acne scar removal.

Eventually, the best way of getting rid of pimples is to not let them happen at all. This involves keeping your face clean and wearing a make up which is less oily. Never ever keep make up overnight, wash it off with mild soap or a face wash.

Read more on:

How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Is dealing with pimples a tough task then? Get ready to bade farewell to those pimples now!

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